Think of these 3 things to hit a perfect bunker shot every time

Emilia Migliaccio plays a shot out of the bunker during the playoff.

Focus on these three things to make bunker shots a breeze.

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Bunker shots can be scary, but that doesn’t mean they need to be complicated. Just think of these three things.

1. Entry point 

For shots that roll out, you should enter the sand farther behind the ball. For more spin, enter the sand closer to the ball. 

2. Loft 

Once you determine your entry point, select the loft you need to hit the ball higher or lower. Keep in mind that as you add loft by opening the face, you increase the bounce angle as well. 

5 simple tips for success from greenside bunkers
By: Adam Smith, GOLF Teacher to Watch

3. Speed

Now that you know where you want to enter the sand and the loft you’re planning to use, the final step is to decide how fast to swing. Some rules to keep in mind: 1) The farther your entry point from the ball and the more loft you add, the greater speed you’ll need; 2) the closer you nip the sand by the ball and/or the lower loft you use, less speed is better than more. 

This simple three-step strategy won’t ensure you’ll always hit the perfect bunker shot, but it will declutter your mind and make it easier to execute at your best. 

David Armitage is a GOLF Teacher to Watch and teaches at La Gorce CC in Miami Beach, Fla.

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