Connect your tight elbow to your right hip
Your trail arm plays a hugely important role in the golf swing, and if you struggle with a slice courtesy of an over-the-top move, it’s probably your trailing arm that’s the culprit.
1. Put your lead fist on your trail hip
First, Webb says to clasp your hand like a fist and place it on your trail hip, so it crosses your body. He’ll explain why in a second.
2. Make a backswing
Then, keeping your fist on your trail hip, make a full backswing turn.
3. Elbow on trail hip
As you come through, and specifically at impact, you want your trail elbow (your right elbow for right-handed golfers), to re-connect with your lead fist, which should still be on your trail hip. It’ll give your arm a tucked look, which keeps your swing path in a neutral spot.
4. Don’t do this
If you don’t re-connect your trail elbow to your trail hip, you’ll get this look. The club will come way over the top, and you’ll struggle with all sorts of issues.