If you want to become a caddie, you'll need to get in shape. Here are five workout tips from a golf fitness coach.
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Schlepping a 40-pound staff bag up and down hills for eight miles a round, never mind to and from the courtesy car, requires serious conditioning. If, after 10 pages of inspiring caddie talk, you’re thinking, Hmm, looping! build your way up to three sets of 12 to 15 of these exercises.
1. Legs: Goblet squats
Doing these squats with a kettlebell or a dumbbell not only builds muscle but also the endurance for long rounds day after day.
2. Shoulders: Standing bicep curl to shoulder press
Lifting a bag time and again taxes the shoulders and biceps. This double-whammy exercise makes the movement much easier.
3. Core: Anti-rotation with cable
Hoofing that staff bag will stress your posture. This exercise mimics that stress and works the entire core.
4. Conditioning: Treadmill with weighted vest
This mimics the job to a tee. Set the treadmill to a good pace and, if desired, change the incline to simulate walking a course as hilly as Augusta National.
5. Ice baths
Take care of your body with ice baths, use a foam roller for your legs (especially those calves) and remember to stay hydrated. As for the old caddie wisdom of “Show up, keep up, shut up,” let’s add, “Pump up!”