10 must-have golf items you should always store in your trunk

Golf stuff in a car trunk.

Make sure your trunk is stocked. You never know when it will come in handy.

Welcome to Stuff Golfers Should Know, a GOLF.com series in which we’re taking a departure from traditional swing instruction to reveal all kinds of other useful golf (and life!) wisdom that is sure to make you the smartest, savviest player in your foursome.


Jumper cables. Warning flares. An empty gas can. A reflective vest. According to the automotive experts at AAA, these items rank high on the roster of essentials every motorist should keep in the trunk of their vehicle. Good to know.

But clearly, those experts aren’t playing enough golf. By all means, we believe you should be ready for roadside emergencies. But we also want you to be prepared for emergency nines, twilight 18s, 12-hole whiskey runs and, well, pretty much any kind of golf you can squeeze into your life.

While your golf bag has room for a lot of key components, it wasn’t designed to be a portable pro shop. With that in mind, here are 10 other musts to stash in your ride.

1. Rain gear

If you’re a hardcore golfer, you’re willing to play in almost any weather. But it’s not much fun when you feel like a wet seal. And while you could always keep the waterproof outerwear in your golf bag, do you really want to lug that stuff around on sunny days? You do not. Save that limited bag space for balls, tees, markers and other stuff you use every time you play. The rain gear can fold snugly by the well of your spare tire, yours to use when the clouds roll in and the skies open up.

2. Umbrella

As with rain gear, umbrellas are a drag to haul around when you don’t need them. But you’ll want one riding with you on those rare days when you do.

3. An extra pair of shoes and socks

Raise your hand if this has happened to you: after playing a daybreak round in the morning dew, you decide that you’d like to get in another 18. Too bad your shoes and socks are entirely soaked through, making every step an exercise in sodden discomfort. There, we just fixed that for you.

waterproof shoes
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4. A collapsible pushcart

You’re not as young as you used to be. And pushcart designs aren’t as clunky as they once were either. Some of the best collapsible models aren’t just lightweight. They fold up to a size barely larger than a first-aid kit.

5. A swing aid

From the Orange Whip to alignment sticks, the industry is rife with simple, lightweight items that can really help your game. Some are portable enough to carry in your bag, but if you go that route, people might confuse you for Al Czervik. On the other hand, if you keep your favorite swing aid in your trunk, you can use it for your pre-round warmup, then store it away before you hit the course.

6. A box of power bars

Or some other compact, non-perishable snack. Because there’s nothing worse than bonking midway through a round when there isn’t a beverage cart in sight.

7. A flask

Drinking and driving is an absolute no-no. But a little nip of whiskey while your drive-chip-and-putting? On a cool, blustery day, that’s a tradition as old as the game itself.

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8. Extra ammo

This just in: you can’t play golf without a golf ball. And while we know that you keep plenty in your bag, we also know you lose them from time to time, and eventually, you run out. For that reason, set aside a little box of extras in your trunk. While you’re at it, throw some extra tees and a glove in there as well.

9. Band-Aids

Because tee shots aren’t the only things you blister.

10. Zip-lock bags

They’re great for stashing snacks or protecting your cell phone on rainy days.

Josh Sens

A golf, food and travel writer, Josh Sens has been a GOLF Magazine contributor since 2004 and now contributes across all of GOLF’s platforms. His work has been anthologized in The Best American Sportswriting. He is also the co-author, with Sammy Hagar, of Are We Having Any Fun Yet: the Cooking and Partying Handbook.