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Learn MoreThe key to maxing out the release of energy from your swing to the ball is in your spine and shoulders.
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For a long time golfers assumed the elements in “lagging” the club (delaying the rotation of the club and getting the shaft to lean forward at impact) were the best ways to hit solid shots. Instructors worked hard with students to develop this dynamic, which also included delaying the release of the hands and timing things so that everything would “unload” right at impact. Thanks to the advent of 3D swing analysis, we now know that the clubhead should rotate through impact rather than being held off for as long as possible. (By the way, trying to force excessive lag typically causes your spine to lean backward, trapping and suffocating the speed generated by your swing.)
The key to maxing out the release of energy from your swing to the ball is in your spine and shoulders. As you approach impact, your spine needs to be vertical — a slight tilt away from the target is okay but too much costs you power and invites potential pain.
Keep it simple: Work toward a vertical spine with your shoulders relatively level to the ground as you swing into the ball. Doing so aligns the major joints of your body so that you can pull on the club and release it with maximum efficiency and velocity.
Rick Silva is the founder of Movement3 Golf and is based in Chicago, Ill.