What is bounce?I’d say bounce is a tough thing to precisely define, but, generally speaking, it’s the angle between the leading edge and the trailing edge of the sole of the club.
To visualize it, place your wedge upright on a flat surface. The bounce is the angle created between the club’s leading edge and the ground. The closer the leading edge is to laying flat, the lower the bounce.
The difference in bounce is evident when you place two wedges side by side on a flat surface.Michael Williams
Bounce lofts range from 4 degrees on the low end to 14 degrees on the high end. So, which bounce is right for your game? There are two main factors to consider: where you play and your swing style.
If you typically play in soft, wet conditions, wedges with more bounce will help. On firmer conditions, less bounce is usually the way to go. If you have a shallow swing, you’ll want less bounce. Steep swingers, on the other hand, tend to benefit from more bounce.
If your swing style and conditions recommendation don’t line up, let conditions take precedence. But, at the end of the day, getting custom fit is always a good idea. Test your wedge from different lies and bunkers to see what works best for you — you might find a middle-ground bounce that’s perfect for your game.
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