How to hit your irons pure, according to Me and My Golf

Me and My Golf is an online coaching platform with plans for golfers of all levels that’s currently offering a 30 day free trial for new members (Use the code: home30 ). In stage one of their ultimate irons series, Piers and Andy show you how to work on your set-up, improve your ball striking, boost your hip turn, and take advantage of the teeing ground.
Check out the below video to see what these guys are all about, and head over to their site for lots more great content.
Build A Balanced Setup
There are three things to think about when addressing the golf ball:
Weight distribution (front to back), weight distribution (left to right), and ball position. You want your weight to be in the middle of your feet, not your toes or heels.
Additionally, you want your lead side to have 55-60% of your weight.
Once you have that settled, take a club head and place it inside your front foot. Imagine a line running perpendicular to your body from that point, and place the ball on that line. You’ll notice that with a shorter iron or wedge, the ball is pretty much in the middle of your stance. When you use a longer club, this method will end up placing the ball further forward in your stance.
Find The Drills That Work For You
Once you perfect your set-up, try these drills to effectively strike the ball.
Draw a line perpendicular to your stance and place at least five balls on that line. If you’re on a mat, place a towel flat on the ground three golf balls-distance before the line. Try not to hit any ground before the line (or don’t hit the towel). Piers and Andy highly suggest you video yourself doing this drill from a front view (with the camera 90 degrees to the target line and pointing at your hands) so you can determine the low point of your swing arc as you analyze the footage.

If you sway rather than turn, imagine a line running up from the ground behind your back leg. During the golf swing, your hips should not break this plane—in fact, if anything, they should move inward from the line. To work on this, place an alignment rod in your front belt loops with the majority of the rod sticking forward. Place another rod on the ground at a 45 degree angle from your back foot. During the golf swing, the rod at your hips should align with with the rod on the ground. If you only have one alignment rod, stick it in the ground behind your back leg (or in a basket if you’re on a mat) and try to swing without hitting the rod.

Choose the drills that work best for you and hit a minimum of 40 golf balls. Take your time and really focus on each shot. Remember to record yourself as a checkpoint for improvement.
Play Smart By Using Your Surroundings
When you get out on the course, keep track of your fairways and greens in regulation throughout your round. This will give you a baseline for improvement and show you what parts of your game need the most work.
On the tee box, make sure you’re picking a flat part of the ground. Don’t arbitrarily tee your ball in the middle of the tees without evaluating the hole layout or thinking about your shot shape. If you play a fade, line up on the right side of the tee box. If you play a draw, line up on the left. This is a good rule of thumb, but bunkers and hazards can also impact your perception of the hole. Make sure you check out the full tee box before you tee up your shot.
As a rule of thumb, Piers and Andy say most amateurs should club up on par threes. Don’t expect a perfect shot every single time and know your distances. You can work on this at the range or hit up your local clubfitter.
Tune back next week to see Me And My Golf’s latest video examining par-4 strategy.
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