There's more than one way to develop a faster golf swing.
Welcome to GOLF’s Top 100 Teacher roundtable, where some of the best instructors in the business answer the game’s most pressing questions. The goal? To help your game and lower your scores ASAP.
Every golfer wants to increase their swing speed, but knowing where to start can be difficult. There’s so much information out there that it’s almost overwhelming to sift through all of the YouTube videos, training aids and fitness routines to find the right approach for your game.
But, with the right information, you can tack on a few additional mph this golf season.
Below, a few of the top teachers across the country shared their best tips for developing a faster golf swing. Try their advice to add more speed to your game.
1. Be intentional
Intent is 9/10 of the law. Swing all out! If you’re not breathing heavily, you’re not putting enough effort in. When working on speed, it’s best to ignore your ball flight so you don’t lose sight of your objective. Also, beware of too much tension in your hands, forearms and shoulders. — John Dunigan
2. Pick the low-hanging fruit
Mobility work boosts your flexibility and allows you to lengthen your coil. This increases the length the clubhead travels and improves your sequencing, which is key for creating speed. I also encourage my students to use light grip pressure and practice breathing techniques to stay relaxed. From there, it comes down to making a conscious effort. Allow your arms, wrists and clubhead to swing past your body on the downswing; the result is almost always a faster swing with an effortless feel. — Jeff Warne
3. Forget the ball, focus on delivery
The simplest way to add speed is to take the ball out of the equation. Take three practice swings back and forth without stopping. Rest for a minute. Then do it again, but this time try to swing even faster. Rest for a minute and repeat. As you gradually increase your speed each time, you’ll begin to understand your potential for speed.
Now, add the ball back in. You want to try and max out your speed, or as close as you can, with a ball present. As you put your newfound speed on the ball, remember that where you deliver your speed is just as important as how fast you’re swinging. Many amateurs deliver their speed too early and end up slowing down through impact. Keeping your speed out front is the key to developing a fast, reliable swing. —Jim Murphy
4. Extend, then spin
There’s not one way to swing faster. It’s usually a case-by-case basis. However, I’ve found that learning to extend the lead side properly and spin the lead hips helps many players swing faster as it increases vertical and torque forces. — Jonathan Yarwood
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