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SuperSpeed Swing Speed Challenge (Week 4): Excuses and fake injuries

February 26, 2020

Every golfer has new years resolutions, and over at GOLF, a handful of guys are spending the early months of 2020 making good on those. A motley crew of Senior Writer Dylan Dethier, Social Media Editor Tim Reilly, and Zephyr Melton, the new kid at GOLF.com and GOLF Magazine, embarked on SuperSpeed’s six-week Level 1 Training Protocol. After slacking off in week 3, one editor came back nursing an injury, and all four showed signs of rust…

Dylan (Handicap: +3.3)

I have very little to add to the discussion this week except pessimism and despair. I entered this exercise with low swing speed but high hopes. After missing a couple sessions at the Genesis, I returned to lower numbers. Still, I hit the gym, undeterred. But yesterday I slept funny, tweaked something in my neck and THEN tried to speed train anyway — to disastrous results. Low speed. Can’t look to my right. Morale is low. Can’t wait for next session!

LKD (2.2)

I don’t know what these fools are doing. I’ve been following the program exactly as specified and have been consistently gaining speed week after week. My swing feels great — super powerful — and I finished north of 130 last week. I haven’t hit the course yet, but I’m chomping at the bit. For the first time in my life, I’m ready to hit some BOMBS.

Swing Speed Training Aids

SuperSpeed Golf Training System

Super Speed Golf Training Aid Courtesy of Super Speed Golf

Over the past few years, the SuperSpeed Golf Training System has become a darling of PGA Tour players, including Phil Mickelson, who says his swing speed jumped four miles per hour in one season with the help of the training aid. Use three weighted clubs with the SuperSpeed’s six-week training program and the company guarantees a minimum five percent jump in swing speed.


Buy Now

Zephyr (7.0)

Morale is low in my quest for speed. What was once a novel adventure has turned into an arduous grind, but I guess that’s kind of the point. Whether it be a mental or a physical block, there is a metaphorical ceiling it feels like I’ve hit a peak and I’m now plateauing. I’m heading out for my first round of 2020 this weekend, though, so I’m eager to see what will follow me to the course.

Tim (11.8)

Turns out this is hard work! I hate to admit it, but maybe I fell into a comfort zone thinking speed would gradually improve just by simply going through the motions. Hand up, I was wrong. It’s time to recommit to the training regime if I’m going to turn this around. Hopefully, I didn’t hit the point of no return after a slacking off last week.

Results after Week 4:

Starting Speed Week 1 (Max Speed) Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Dylan (+3.3) 110 118 123 N/A 121
LKD (2.2) 114 118 127 128 132
Zephyr (7.0) 100 110 109 111 112
Tim (11.8) 104 109 120 105 103

Note: “Starting Speed” is an average of 10 stock driver swings. “Max Speed” is the highest swing speed that week.

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