How to improve your mobility and strength according to a personal trainer

Everyone is busy, and no one really has hours to spend in the gym getting their body golf-ready like Brooks Koepka or Bryson DeChambeau.
But as Joel Dahmen suggested, you can be surprisingly effective in the gym in just 10-15 minutes.
If you’re skeptical, don’t take our word for it — take the advice of a certified personal trainer.
“Mobility and stability are two main components of fitness that every golfer should be focused on improving,” said Rachel Duvall, NASM CPT. “Only having 10-15 minutes can be highly effective when done the right way.”
As for spending your time in the gym the “right way” as Duvall suggests, see below for a mobility and stability program she recommends for golfers looking to increase their functional fitness level for improved results on the course.
Mobility Exercises (Perform 2-3 sets of 8-10 reps each)
1. A-Frame Stretch: The hip hinge and thoracic rotation are foundational movements for golfers, and this stretch works on improving both. Standing with your feet hip-width apart, bring one elbow to the inside of the knees and the fist to the other. Your hips should be sitting back slightly. While in this position, keep your opposite arm nice and long as you reach toward the ground. Slowly rotate that arm up toward the ceiling, keeping it straight.

2. 90/90 Hip Stretch: Hip mobility allows for a greater range of motion, freeing up your body for a bigger turn in your swing. The bigger your turn, the more powerful your swing will be. Sitting on the ground, you should have one leg in front of you at a 90-degree angle, and the other leg behind you at a 90-degree angle. Keeping your back straight and your chest tall, lean forward and try to get your belly button to hover over the front leg. Switch between your left and right to ensure you’re working on the mobility on both sides.

3. Brettzel: This mobility exercise is a total body exercise that helps with rotation of the hips and upper back — again, think of the turn in your swing and you’ll see how this exercise will help your golf game. Start lying on your side so your body forms a straight line. Bring the top leg to a 90-degree angle and keep your knee in line with your hip. Bend the opposite leg and bring your heels toward your glutes. Do your best to keep your shoulders close to or on the ground to really feel this stretch.

Strength/Stability Exercises (Perform 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps each)
1. Tall Kneeling Chop with Rotation: This exercise will develop your shoulder, trunk and hip stability while improving your thoracic mobility. Keeping both shoulders on the ground and your core and glutes engaged, reach up to one side of the body. With some power, pull down the opposite hip. Keep your core and hips engaged throughout the movement. You can use a medicine ball, cable or weight if accessible.

2. Supermans: Supermans develop stability in your lower back and improve shoulder and hip mobility. (And they’re super easy to perform.) Lying flat on your stomach with your arms and legs extended, lift one arm and the opposite leg. Alternate sides, keeping your head on the ground and maintaining a flat back.

3. Single-Leg Deadlift: Developing power and speed in the swing starts with your hip hinge, so training a proper and stable hinge movement is incredibly important to a powerful golf swing. Standing on one leg, reach down to your toe with the opposite arm. Keep your knee slightly bent and your hips back, as if you’re sitting into a chair. Be sure to engage your core and hamstrings throughout this movement. Also, ensure that you are keeping your chest tall — rounding your back is no good.

Rotating through these mobility and strength exercises on a regular basis will save you time in the gym and help you improve on the course, so give them a try and see how far 10-15 minutes can take you.
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