Try this 7-minute at-home Yoga routine designed specifically for golfers

So you’re doing the right thing, staying at home and healthy (thank you for that, by the way), but you’re worried about something else: Without the ability to get outside and walk around as much as you otherwise would’ve, you may not be able to stay in the same physical shape as you were pre-quarantine.
Enter CBS golf reporter Amanda Balionis. She’s been a longtime advocate of Yoga, writing earlier this year that’s it’s helped her both mentally and physically:
Through controlled breath and meditative movements, practicing yoga has taught me how to stay calm during difficult situations. About three years after I discovered the practice, I became certified in Baptiste-style training. It was an intense 200-hour journey that transformed my mind because it forced me to sort through my own issues before having the capacity to teach others. I now teach whenever I can, and I continue to practice yoga at least a few times a week—the length of each session ranges from 10 to 90 minutes, depending on how stressed I am that day.
So if you’re feeling cooped up at home after long day staring into a screen, take seven minutes and follow Balionis’ routine. It’ll help get your mind and body into better shape, on and off the course.
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