Use 2 tees to fix your golf grip and finally cure that frustrating slice
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GOLF Top 100 Teacher Cameron McCormick shows how using two tees can help you gain better clubface control and fix your slice.
If you’re a player who tends to slice or push everything to the right, you’re not alone. Ask 100 amateur golfers what their miss is, and I’d bet 90 percent of them would describe this exact result.
While there are a number of different reasons for slicing the golf ball, one common issue is that players just don’t have the right golf grip.
Think about it: When you don’t grip the club properly, you’re not going to square up the face as it comes through impact, meaning it stays open to cause the slice. It’s frustrating, but it’s actually an easily fixable problem.
So how can you learn the right golf grip in order to hit straighter shots? GOLF Top 100 Teacher Cameron McCormick offers up a simple hack — and it only requires two golf tees. Check out his tips below.
How 2 tees can ensure the proper golf grip
When you’re trying to fix your golf grip, you don’t need to overthink things. Instead of using a bunch of different training aids or watching some confusing instructional videos, McCormick says using two tees with provide you with instant feedback to help solve the problem.
“Your grip could be the reason why you’re missing it to the right,” McCormick says in the video above.
He then dives into how two tees will validate your hand position.
“Take two tees, place them between the thumb and the index finger, and then place your hands on the club,” he said. “If your tees are pointed parallel to the leading edge of the club, or even further towards the target side in the leading edge of the club, that’s going to highly correlate to you missing it to the right.”
The perfect golf grip is just 1 subtle change away, says top teacherBy: Mike Bender, Top 100 Teacher , Nick Dimengo
Instead of having the tees pointed towards the leading edge, McCormick says they should be aimed a little more forward — which helps close the clubface.
“Rather, we want the tees aimed some amount to the trail side or the right of the clubface,” McCormick said. “So get those tees pointed to the right of the clubface and it’s going to solve your slice forever.”
This is a great hack to use during your next driving-range session, just to make sure everything’s lined up properly and you ensure solid contact. So give it a try and start seeing straighter shots almost immediately.

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