A penny saved is a penny earned, especially in golf. Though we all love the game, it can get expensive. That’s why GlobalGolf wants to save you money and provide you with the lowest cost of ownership when it comes to the newest golf equipment.
At GlobalGolf, Try, Trade, Buy works just as it sounds. Try the latest and greatest golf clubs with UTry, trade in your golf clubs for the best value and earn credit toward your next purchase with UTrade-In, and buy confidently knowing you’re getting the ultimate deal.
The process is easy. And the benefits? Unparalleled. When you go through Try, Trade, Buy, you save money and find the right golf equipment for you. It’s the best of both worlds.
UTry. GlobalGolf’s UTry is the simplest and safest way to demo golf products. Starting at $25, you can truly try before you buy — where, when and how you want for up to 14 days. Take your demo golf clubs to your home course or test them out on the range; there’s no better way to get a feel for those new clubs you’ve had your eye on. GlobalGolf’s UTry is also available for golf tech, like Bushnell rangefinders and Garmin GPS golf watches.
UTrade-In. Once you’ve selected the new golf equipment, tech, apparel — anything you need to play your best — lower the price with GlobalGolf’s UTrade-In. Calculate your current clubs’ trade-in value and immediately use that credit toward your next (or a future) purchase. Click here to learn how to get the best trade-in value for your golf clubs (hint: it’s all about the timing!).

Buy. At this point, you’re ready to pull the trigger on the new equipment in your cart and you’re getting a hefty discount thanks to UTrade-In. You can be fully confident in your club purchase thanks to GlobalGolf’s 30-Day Playability Guarantee. With select clubs, you have 30 days to play with your purchase and return it in the same condition for free, no questions asked.
GlobalGolf’s Try, Trade, Buy process makes sense — and makes you cents. By regularly going through the loop, you (and all your golf buddies) can have the top-performing golf gear at the most affordable price. Why wait three, five or even 10 years to buy new clubs when you can play with the newest models each year?
You can save a whole bunch of pennies — and strokes — when you Try, Trade, Buy at GlobalGolf. Click here to get started.