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The Etiquetteist: 7 things to know when tipping at the course

February 28, 2019

Perhaps more than any other sport golf is mired with etiquette quandaries, from where to walk, to when to pay off a bet, to how to mark your ball. But fear not! Our resident Etiquetteist is here to help you negotiate tricky dilemmas at the club and on the course. (Looking for swing tips? Sorry, bud, you’re on your own there.) This week, our Etiquetteist gives you a quick-hitting guide to tipping at your club, or the club you are visiting.

Teaching Pro: $0 / Coaches work off preset cash fees, not tips.

Bag Drop: $2 / Any props to your sled (“Nice Tesla!”) earns him a sawbuck.

Starter: $0 / Grease him if he allows a fivesome or alternate format.

Bartender: 10% / Your demands for “gigantonics” acquiesced? Double it.

Halfway House: 15% / No tip policy in effect? Leave one anyway.

Shoe Guy: $5 / Good for him and good for your nasty spikes. Win-win.

Caddie: $100+ / Go big if he reads greens and, well, doesn’t judge.

Looking for more details on how to tip your caddie? We have you covered there, too.