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Travel mailbag: Is the trek to remote Cabot Links Resort worth it?

February 11, 2020

Welcome to GOLF’s Travel Mailbag, a weekly, interactive GOLF.com series in which members of our staff field your course- and travel-related queries. This week, Ashley Mayo breaks down a trip to Cabot Links Resort in Canada.

Is Cabot Links Golf Resort worth the trip?

The short answer is, yes. Just a quick, resounding yes.

But of course, this question is complex and it deserves a longer answer.

Before we dive in, I’ll go ahead and address how much Cabot Links costs. During peak season (July 3 to September 13), the first round of the day costs $210. The second round of the day costs $105. And the third round of the day is free. There’s also a $145 twilight rate and a $105 9-hole rate. Before and after the peak season (May 8 to July 3, and September 14 to October 25), the first round of the day can cost as little as $90 (!), with a replay rate of just $45 (!!!).

Cabot is open to all golfers, not just resort guests. But let’s be realistic and assume you’re going to stay on site when you play. The least-expensive room on property is the Cabot Double, which costs $300 per night during peak season and as little as $175 during the offseason.

A view of the memorable par-3 16th hole at Cabot Cliffs.
A view of the memorable par-3 16th hole at Cabot Cliffs.
Ashley Mayo

So that means that a two-night, four-round experience during peak season can cost $1,230.

That’s before you consider the cost of food and travel and all the other necessary add-ons. So let’s round up and say that you and a friend could have a fulfilling, memorable experience at Cabot for around $2,500 per person.

Do I think a Cabot experience is worth $2,500? Emphatically, yes. Yes because it reliably delivers an experience that feels more valuable than its cost. Yes because it’s more than a golf destination; it’s a spiritual adventure.

I’ve been to Cabot four times, and I can quickly list five things that make the destination special: its two 18-hole courses play wildly different, all but ensuring you’ll never get bored; the last four holes at Cliffs will likely comprise the most stunning walk you’ve ever taken on any golf course; the bar on property is open to locals who live in town, making it feel wonderfully laid back and keeping it affordable; the staff seems exceedingly happy, maybe because they realize their office is prettier than most; the sunrises and sunsets and cliffs and vistas on this piece of property will make you pause and appreciate the moment you decided to become a golfer.

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