214 articles tagged with: insidegolf
10 brilliant short-game tips from teaching legend Dave Pelz
By: Zephyr MeltonThis common mistake kills your bunker game. Here's how to fix it
By: Mark Durland, with Zephyr MeltonThe king of the PGA Tour’s Florida Swing? Our pick might surprise you
By: Michael BambergerMajor winner shares 10 keys for splitting every fairway
By: Zephyr MeltonFollow these 6 keys for better contact with your wedges
By: Kellie Stenzel, Top 100 Teacher5 reasons you chunk chip shots — and how to fix them
By: Ed Oldham, Top 100 Teacher
Stop straightening your trail arm before impact for better contact
By: Jerry King, Top 100 Teacher
Lee Trevino interview: The Merry Mex explains why you *have* to work the ball
By: Dylan Dethier
How high-tech mobility analysis diagnosed this golfer's swing flaws
By: Tom Stickney, with Zephyr Melton
Secret to John Feinstein’s golf- and sportswriting success wasn’t complicated
By: Michael Bamberger
Rory McIlroy’s talent is not relatable. But so much else about him is
By: Michael Bamberger