
Viewers roast lengthy Zozo Championship trophy ceremony after Tiger’s victory

October 28, 2019

As you may have heard by now, Tiger Woods completed his quest to catch Sam Snead by winning the inaugrual Zozo Championship.

With that win came a trophy larger than Woods’ head, and a trophy ceremony that seemed like it would never end.

Despite holding the lead over five days, Woods was forced to stand for what seemed like forever as speaker after speaker stood up to thank fans, players and everyone in between. What’s more, because of the language barrier, each speech had to be translated from English to Japanese and vice versa, making the ceremony last even longer than it normally would.

And Twitter, as it’s wont to do, took notice. Users enduring the lengthy ceremony had plenty of time to think of clever ways to share their thoughts.


Some fans even used the lengthy ceremony to brainstorm ways for Woods to use the new trophy as a training aid.

Thankfully, Tiger’s patience paid off when he was handed the Zozo Championship trophy, officially marking his historic 82nd career win, and his third win in the last 13 months.