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Tour Confidential Daily: Ser-gee-no! Was the setup on the 15th hole fair?

April 5, 2018

GOLF.com conducts a weekly roundtable with its staff to break down the game’s hottest topics. And since it’s Masters week, we are answering one burning question each night. Check in every Sunday evening for the unfiltered opinions of our writers and editors and join the conversation by tweeting us @golf_com.

In Tin Cup-like fashion, Sergio Garcia unloaded five balls into the pond in front of the 15th green during Thursday’s first round of the Masters, making a 13. “I don’t know what to tell you,” Garcia said. “It’s one of those things. It’s the first time in my career where I make a 13 without missing a shot. Simple as that. I felt like I hit a lot of good shots and unfortunately the ball just didn’t stop (rolling off the green).” Was the setup on 15 fair?

Michael Bamberger: I would say yes as many other golfers were able to make scores that were in the 4 to 6 range, which is the norm for said hole.

Alan Shipnuck: It was a couple of paces from being really questionable —​ Leishman is one of the best chippers in the world and he fell out of the lead by running a ball across the green into the pond. But as Michael noted, plenty of guys navigated it just fine. Sergio had a Tin Cup moment by trying to keep stuffing the ball next to the hole. All he had to do was be a littler more conservative and play it past the flag!

Dylan Dethier: It felt like a throwback: the return of old Sergio! What a tragic, glorious golf moment. Sometimes it’s the shots you can’t hit that make Augusta tricky — in this case, a high-spinning wedge. Shouldn’t this Masters member know better?

Jessica Marksbury: Michael makes a great point. Other players managed to get through the hole relatively unscathed, so saying it’s unfair may be too strong. We all know what a great ball-striker Sergio is. Maybe he was a little too laser-focused on hitting it close when he should have just taken his medicine and done some damage control. Alas, hindsight is 20/20.

Jeff Ritter: It was a tough pin on a day filled with them, but one 13 doesn’t mean it was unfair. Club up, Sergio! On the bright side, I hear the lobster rice he served at his Champions Dinner was delicious.

Josh Sens: Yes. And of course it was set up the same for everyone. As Peter Kostis noted, Sergio didn’t hit any bad shots, but he hit the wrong shots. There was a whiff of the old woe-is-me Sergio to his post-round take. Though who can fault him for the frustration. That was painful to watch.