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‘The only thing that was missing was a tie’: The best quotes of Masters week

April 2, 2018

AUGUSTA, Ga. — The Masters is the most anticipated major of the season, and it’s also the first time all year we get golf’s best on one stage.

Another stage, however, is the podium in the Masters press building, where pros have been known to crack up the assembled media. Here are some of the best quotes of the week.

Rory McIlroy on Phil Mickelson and Tiger Woods playing a practice round together on Tuesday:

McIlroy: I walked past Tiger on the range just there before he came in and spoke to you guys, and I said, ‘I never thought I would see the day, Tiger and Phil playing a practice round at Augusta.’ So we had a bit of a laugh about that.

Woods on Mickelson’s unique shirt choice for Tuesday:

Woods: I always give him a little bit of grief about that. The only thing that was missing was a tie.

Mickelson, responding to Woods:

Mickelson: I have a tie, and I’ll wear it tonight.

Woods, deciding to deflect a lengthy question about his past:

Q. I was thinking back, it’s been eight years since we all were talking about your personal life and you were criticized by a lot of us, certainly by me, by Billy Payne and others. I’m wondering now when you look at the political climate when you look at where we are as a country, if we — if you look back and say that was harsh or unfair, that maybe you were treated too harshly. Curious about that.

Woods: [Pause] Yeah, I’m really excited to play the Masters this week. [Laughter]


Sergio Garcia on showing off his green jacket:

Q. You mentioned a fun year with the green jacket and it looked like you literally took it everywhere. Just curious what is the most—

Garcia: Can you blame me? I mean, if I told you everywhere I took it, then probably it will be — I will probably miss my tee time on Thursday.

Jason Day, on goals for the week:

Q. Now that this week is upon us, if there is one primary thing that you are committed to, to have a successful week here, what would it be?

Day: One thing?

Q. One primary thing.

Day: Have less shots than other people.

Wesley Bryan on Masters memories as a patron:

Bryan: I just remember my dad giving me a twenty dollar bill and saying ‘Here, this is your food money for the day.’ And I would spend it all up before noon on pimento cheese and egg salad sandwiches, and I would have to go walking back just to ask him for a little dessert money.

Bubba Watson on Tigermania:

Q. Tiger’s such a lightning rod for attention wherever he goes, especially when he comes here?

Watson: Who?

Watson on his memorable approach in the 2012 Masters playoff:

Q. Six years ago you hit one of the more iconic shots in Masters history with your shot at 10 in the playoff—

Watson: Y’all heard that, right? Y’all heard that?
