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The highest score ever at a U.S. Open is a real doozy

May 31, 2018

The U.S. Open prides itself on being the toughest test in golf. It should come as no surprise that the highest score in U.S. Open history is a whopper.

The record is shared by C. Thompson and George Parr, who each fired a – wait for it – 114. Thompson’s round came in the opening round of the 1898 U.S. Open at Myopia Hunt Club in Hamilton, Mass. Parr failed to live up to his surname a decade later, in Round 1 at the 1908 U.S. Open, which was also staged at Myopia. But these guys weren’t as bad as it sounds: In 1898, the winner, Fred Herd, shot rounds of 84, 85, 75 and 84. And in 1908 champion Fred McLeod went 82-82-81-77. A different era, indeed.

It’s hard to imagine any of today’s competitors failing to break 100. The last player to hit triple digits at the Open was Walter Ratto, who shot 100 on the button in the opening round at Colonial in 1941.