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The Social 7: Poulter doesn’t forget, Tiger’s energy drink, Koepka’s clone and more!

December 10, 2018

Welcome to the Social 7, where Tim Reilly or Rachel Bleier of GOLF’s social media team will dive into the good, bad, crazy, insane, viral, hilarious — well, you get the picture — of the past week on social media.

1. Ian Poulter’s favorite hobby? Trolling Americans.

In case you forgot, Poults is here to remind you of the Ryder Cup result. He did some updating to a t-shirt several members of Team USA were seen wearing in Paris. I have to give Poutler credit where credit is due. It’s impressive that he was able to write on his chest, and pound himself in the chest, at the same time.



2. When I first came across this video I was reminded of the sheer joy golf can bring out of us all. I’ll be honest, I don’t remember when I made my first birdie. On top of that, I don’t remember my last birdie…

Welcome to the birdie club, Jillian! Don’t get used to it.

3. Dan Marino is one of the best quarterbacks of all time. Dan Marino is also one of the best golf trick shot artists of all time. OK, I’m not sure about the trick shot part, but this was rather impressive.

The best part about wearing a golf glove for Marino? It helps prevent “where’s your Super Bowl ring?” jokes.

4. Brooks Koepka gets knocked for being a boring golfer. He dominates in silence and rarely shows emotion. How is a guy like that going to help grow that game?!

Well, it appears Koepka has inspired at least one youngster. Maybe there’s an army of Koepka clones out there learning to play golf?

“I nailed it like Brooks Koepka!”

This boy has already shown more jubilation than Brooks has after winning any of his three majors.

For the record, I too would like to “nail it like Brooks Koepka.”


5. Tiger is reportedly in talks with Monster about a branded energy drink. The biggest question on everyone’s mind: What should it be called?

Tiger Blood?

Big Eldrick Energy?

Eye of the Tiger?

Sunday Red?

Let’s hope whoever is tasked with deciding what the drink’s name is checks our replies first.


6. Golf’s offseason is upon us. Some choose to continue working on their game while others choose to unwind. Max Homa is facing that very dilemma right now.

Practice or Tequila?

My question is why not both? Tuck a bottle into the bag and you’ll be loose on the course without even having to warm up. Tequila sunrises before a tee time. You down, Max?

7. A throwback interview between Curtis Strange and some rookie named Tiger Woods resurfaced this week. Tiger was full of confidence from a young age and clearly aggravated Strange with his “if you ain’t first, you’re last” mentality.

Strange ends the interview by saying “you’ll learn” with a smirk.

Eighty wins later and I think it’s safe to say the only one that did any learning from this chat was you, Curtis.