
Mickelson introduces ‘Phireside with Phil’ with raunchy untold story from Memorial Tournament

June 18, 2019

Phil Mickelson, golf’s new Content King, appears to just be getting started. Mickelson announced the debut of a new storytelling venue and format on Tuesday afternoon, “Phireside with Phil,” and so far, so good.

“I’ll be sharing some interesting stories that have taken place through the years and will hopefully have some guests in the future too,” Mickelson wrote to accompany the video, which he shared across his social media channels. The video begins with Mickelson, fully Philled-out in black blazer, shorts and hat, sitting beside a candle. FDR he ain’t, but what follows is an untold story you won’t want to miss. We’ll let Phil take it from here:

My first story took play at the Memorial Tournament, back in 2006 or so. Our second round was interrupted by weather and darkness and we had to reconvene the next morning at around 7 in the morning. I’m on the 6th hole and the Tour official is cutting a new hole, but we haven’t finished our round yet, we have to play to the same hole location, so I raise my hand and I say “Hey! We’re not done!”

And the rules official raises his hand acknowledges that he heard me, but continues to cut a new hole. So I continue to walk further up and say hey! We’re not done! And again he puts his hand up to acknowledge he hears me, but continues to cut a new hole. So finally I walk right up close to the edge of the green, just on the other side of the lake, and I say, “We’re not done!”

He stands up in disgust and puts his hands on his hips and says: “Someone took a dump in the cup.”

[Phil raises his hands in surprise] Very well then, carry on.

You can watch the complete video below:

This is the latest in a series of engaging Mickelson videos, including (but not limited to) a Magnolia Lane ride-along, a series of calf-training exercises and a U.S. Open explainer about carrying multiple drivers. You can watch a selection of the best below.


