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‘I’m legitimately emotional’: Golf fans rejoice, despair as Masters announces lottery ticket winners

July 12, 2018

Golf’s golden ticket is not easy to secure.

While it’s relatively easy to get admission into two of golf’s three American majors — the U.S. Open and PGA Championship — the Masters is on a whole different level. The best way to get into the hallowed grounds of Augusta National Golf Club is to enter the club’s annual lottery, where you sign up online for the days and number of tickets you want. You then hope (and pray) you get that wondrous email early in July, saying you have been picked.

If you aren’t selected you can still go to the Masters via StubHub or another pricy secondary market, but it’s gonna cost you: Through the lottery 2018 practice rounds were $75 each and tournament rounds were $115, but they skyrocket otherwise.

Earlier this week golf fans everywhere checked their emails to find out if they won big or lost out (yet again). Here’s a Twitter roundup of all the jubilation and agony. And for those who lose, better luck next year.