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Trump’s golf habit is no secret … but the same can’t be said for his playing partners

July 27, 2018

It’s no secret President Donald Trump loves golf, and since taking office he’s found time to play dozens of rounds at his various courses, mostly Trump International, near his Mar-a-Lago resort in West Palm Beach, Fla. Several media outlets have attempted to track his golf rounds — and at least one website fully dedicates itself to it. The Washington Post reports that the President’s total days spent at his golf resorts, as of July 27, stands at 111.

But what remains a mystery are many of the president’s playing partners.

So, the Post is crowdsourcing it, and now you can help. They’ve created an interactive map of Trump’s golf rounds, with holes to be filled in with members of his various foursomes. Do you know with whom the president has teed it up? Have you played golf with the president of the United States? Here is your chance to join the ranks of Jack Nicklaus, Tiger Woods, FOX News anchor Sean Hannity and Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe, among many others.

Donald Trump, Shinzo Abe
President Trump played a round with Shinzo Abe in April.