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The Rules of Golf are tricky! Thankfully, we’ve got the guru. Our Rules Guy knows the book front to back. Got a question? He’s got all the answers.
My buddy and I were playing an early-morning round. We each wore a pullover to combat the chill. On the 7th hole, he took off his pullover and, because his bag was across the green, draped it atop the flagstick as he putted with the pin in. Neither of us knew if this was permitted. —Bruce Reeder, Seattle
Rules Guy’s beloved aunt, Style Lady, informs us that it is permissible should the pullover’s color not clash with the flag’s.
From a Rules perspective, the only potential penalty we can think of would be intent-based — say, your buddy deliberately did so to move the flagstick to a position other than centered or to cast a shadow to aim at.
Failing a desire to assist his play, there wouldn’t be a problem with treating the flagstick as a clothes hanger, although it feels a tad presumptuous.
For more flagstick-related guidance from our guru, read on …
Rules Guy: Can I ask my playing partner to hold the flag, but keep the pin in the hole while I putt?By: Rules Guy
Retired guys with season passes will play in just about any conditions. Recently, we were braving a round in a very stiff wind. My tee shot on a par 3 landed a bit short and, just as I chipped, the wind blew the flagstick from the hole. My ball hit the prone flagstick and followed along the stick into the hole. The flag was properly positioned when I played my shot, so I doubt I’m penalized. But do I replay my shot, or is it a birdie with an assist from Mother Nature? —Greg Hayward, via email
While Rules Guy is not quite as besotted by Caddyshack as some people, the incident you describe would have worked well in the bishop’s “best round of my life” montage. Does it end on a happier note? Yes.
There’s nothing in the rules as far as Rules Guy sees that penalizes you or would require the stroke to be replayed. You didn’t remove the flagstick while the ball was in motion, and the ball hitting the flagstick was an accident. Under Rule 13.2, accidental deflections result in the ball being played as it lies without penalty. Pick your ball from the cup … and, please, don’t get struck by lightning.
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