5 foolproof steps to building a solid golf swing from scratch

No matter how good you are at golf, you have to start as a beginner. There are some people who are more naturally talented at the gamer, but no one goes out and shoots even par their first time they pick up the club. Heck, even Tiger Woods was a novice at one point in time.

With that in mind, there is no shame in inexperience. Every last golfer in the world started out not knowing what they were doing — and that’s ok. To help those golfers who are just starting the game, we’ve launched a new franchise called “How to Hit Every Shot.”

In this series, we’ll detail the basic of every shot you need for success. Today, instructor Erika Larkin takes us through five steps to a starter swing. Watch the video above or read below for more.

1. Neutral grip

The foundation of a good swing is the grip. To get into a solid grip position, take your lead hand (left hand for right-handers) and crunch your fingers about halfway, then, place them on the underside of the club and wrap the lead hand on top.

Next, “cuddle” the thumb of your lead hand with the other hand as you grasp the club. You should end up with the thumbs aligned and the club being held in the fingers.

2. Posture

Solid posture is another important element of the swing. Soften your knees and then try to hinge at your hips, leaning forward into an athletic position. Your arms should dangle in front of you in position to make a swing.

3. Backswing motion

The key to movement in your golf swing is in your lead foot. Get in your posture and then push off the ground with your lead foot to rotate back and get your weight in your right heel.

4. Balanced finish

When you swing through, you want to engage the front side of your body in order to come to a balanced finish. Halting that momentum post impact will ensure that you come to a nice balanced position.

5. Even tempo

You’ll also want to have a smooth tempo when you make a swing. Start your swing smooth and gradually build up speed throughout the swing, gradually getting faster as you turn through to a finish.

Even beginner golfers benefit from fittings. Visit the experts at our sister company, True Spec Golf

Zephyr Melton

Zephyr Melton is an assistant editor for GOLF.com where he spends his days blogging, producing and editing. Prior to joining the team at GOLF, he attended the University of Texas followed by stops with the Texas Golf Association, Team USA, the Green Bay Packers and the PGA Tour. He assists on all things instruction and covers amateur and women’s golf. He can be reached at zephyr_melton@golf.com.