Earlier this week we talked to Vijay Singh, who underlined the importance of making a big shoulder turn and backswing. It’s been a huge key for him his entire career, he says, something older golfers should value highly, and a move Vijay works hard on often.
30 min chat with Vijay, only talked about his backswing
“I’m almost 59, I hit it so much further than the rookies coming on the senior tour, it’s a joke. They ask me: ‘how do you hit it so far?’ I tell them ‘because I work on it all the frickin’ time.”https://t.co/XArDrDm92J
How can you get a bit of extra shoulder turn in your life? Biomechanist Dr. Greg Rose, co-founder of TPI alongside GOLF Top 100 Teacher Dave Phillips, has a stretch that can help. You can do it in a golf cart, in the office, at home, or anywhere in between.
Watch the full video below, or scroll below for a break down of it.
An example of using deep breathing to distract the rib cage.
First, sit in a chair, with your arms behind your head and your legs crossed. This is hardly a step, but we’ll call it a step.
2. Rotate
Keeping your legs crossed and straight., Dr. Greg Rose says to turn your upper body.
3. Laterally flex
Once you max out your turn, add some lateral side bend.
“That’s going to help open up the joints in the rib cage on the left,” he says. “Once we get there, we’re going to use breath.”
Take the biggest breath you can, he says, then return to your start position.
4. Rotate more, repeat
Start the process again, and you’ll find you’re able to turn even more than before. This will translate to more turn in your golf swing if you do this simple stretch consistently.
“Imagine if you did this every day?” Dr. Rose says.
Luke Kerr-Dineen is the Game Improvement Editor at GOLF Magazine and GOLF.com. In his role he oversees the brand’s game improvement content spanning instruction, equipment, health and fitness, across all of GOLF’s multimedia platforms.
An alumni of the International Junior Golf Academy and the University of South Carolina–Beaufort golf team, where he helped them to No. 1 in the national NAIA rankings, Luke moved to New York in 2012 to pursue his Masters degree in Journalism from Columbia University. His work has also appeared in USA Today, Golf Digest, Newsweek and The Daily Beast.