Jordan Spieth’s swing coach shares 6 things he wished he knew sooner
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Cameron McCormick, Jordan Spieth's swing coach, recently took to Twitter to share six things he wish he knew sooner.
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Cameron McCormick is best-known for being the swing coach of pro players like Jordan Spieth, So Yeon Ryu and Beau Hossler, among others. But even after more than two decades of helping improve the swings of some of the best in the game, McCormick still looks back on some things he wish he had done differently.
Recently taking to Twitter, the Top 100 Teacher broke down six things in his life that he wished he had known or done differently. While not every single one he lists relates to golf, per se, it does provide an interesting look at how he thinks.
Cameron McCormick shares the things he wishes he had done differently
1/ Get Social – this one’s hard for me as I’m an introvert but there’s a business opportunity waiting for you as a digital coach…I’ve been late to the game, played the game poorly only engaging intermittently. My loss, make social your win.
— Cameron McCormick (@CMcCormickGolf) January 26, 2023
1. Get social. In 2023 (and beyond), most people understand the importance of growing their own personal brand. In the age of digital media, it just takes one person to ignite the flame to building an entire audience. While McCormick admits he may have missed an opportunity earlier in life, he encourages others to use the platform they have to their advantage.
2/ Advisors, Mentors & Challengers: You may go far alone but you go further with help. Seek out mentors, sit and learn from masters.
— Cameron McCormick (@CMcCormickGolf) January 26, 2023
Surround yourself with people in the position you wish to be in 1//3/5 yrs from now & with those on the same journey as you. Sparks & Fuel = 🔥
2. Advisors, mentors and challengers. Learning is the name of the game — especially in the game of golf. Sure, it’s easy to go out and hit thousands of shots each and every day alone, but when there’s someone with you to provide feedback and critique the results, that’s beneficial. As McCormick mentions here, use that to your own advantage, and act like a sponge absorbing all the information you want in order to take the next step for yourself.
3/ Delivery delivery delivery – i wish i’d improved my verbal & non-verbal communication sooner…
— Cameron McCormick (@CMcCormickGolf) January 26, 2023
There’s a presence, an energy, a confidence that the best at anything exude. It’s visible and rubs off on those around you. Walk as if, Talk as if, Act as if.
3. Delivery, delivery, delivery. No need to “fake it till you make it” when you have all of the confidence in yourself. In this case, McCormick looks back on his own process to wonder how he could have improved himself earlier. Be charismatic, but listen. Have the energy, but control it. Speak up, but don’t be afraid to observe at times.
4/ Take big swings: I wish I’d taken more chances, taken bigger swings – when i was a young coach i was comfortable and didn’t bet on myself soon enough…opportunity would come and I’d look more at what i’d lose by taking that chance than i saw i’d gain by taking that swing.
— Cameron McCormick (@CMcCormickGolf) January 26, 2023
4. Take big swings. As the great Kobe Bryant once said during a TEDxShanghai talk, “the greatest fear that we face is ourselves.” No one will ever reach their full potential by staying in the status quo, and McCormick speaks to being bold and betting on yourself to reach a desired level. While McCormick eventually became one of the best swing coaches in golf, it may have happened earlier for him had he taken more chances.
5/ Awards & Accolades are nice but not necessary- they don’t define a great day or career. The impact you have on players you teach defines great. End ur day knowing u coached great, that’s a win and makes u worthy of recognition.
— Cameron McCormick (@CMcCormickGolf) January 26, 2023
Keep up the great work and ‘stuff’ follows.
5. Awards and accolades. In McCormick’s eyes, helping others is the most important thing — especially as a golf coach. The glory doesn’t come to the coach, but, instead, the player, who puts the practice into action. Whether that leads to awards, accolades and recognition or not shouldn’t matter, so long as you’re happy seeing others succeed.
6/ Mindset and Mental skills – nothing happens without choice, intention and attention which means I had to understand the head space/mental side. If I could go back I’d study this area more and be 5 years ahead of where I was with any caliber of golfer.
— Cameron McCormick (@CMcCormickGolf) January 26, 2023
6. Mindset and mental skills. Your focus becomes your reality, and, in the game of golf, the proper mindset is the difference between being good, being great, and being iconic. McCormick recognizes this now, but admits that he wishes he had focused more on this aspect earlier to get ahead of the game. All-time greats master this part of the game, even if, physically, they aren’t as talented as other players.
While many of us will never get the opportunity to get a personal swing analysis session with Cameron McCormick — let alone have a cup of coffee with him to pick his brain — his Twitter advice is rock solid, and, hopefully, gives us a sense of things we can focus on for ourselves.
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