Try these at-home exercises to keep your golf game in shape
With another week comes another set of exercises you can work on at home to benefit your golf game. In case you missed it, TPI Certified Instructor Carolina Romero has put together a five-week program to keep you in shape while indoors.
So far, she’s compiled exercises programs for the first two weeks of the five-week program, and today she’s back with week three. Watch the video above or read below for more.
Side Plank
Sets: Three
Reps: Hold 10-30 seconds
Lay on your side and brace yourself with your arm. Lay your forearm on the ground and make a 90-degree angle with your elbow. Bend your knees, push your hips forward and then raise them up. Try to keep your body as straight possible throughout the exercise.
Single-Leg Glute Bridge
Sets: Three
Reps: 10-20
Start by laying on your back with your knees bent. Bring one of your legs into your chest and with the other leg, push through your heel and elevate your hips. Feel that the glute of the leg that is down is doing a lot of work to keep you up and stable.
Spider-Man Stretch
Sets: Three
Reps: 10-20 per side
Get into a half kneeling position and place a cushion under your back knee to protect it. Now lean forward and place your hands on the ground next to the leg that is forward. Then rotate your body away from your leg with one of your arms. Go as far as you can and then bring them back to the middle. Try to go a little bit further with every rep.
Active Hip External Rotations
Sets: Three
Reps: 10-20 per side
Start by laying on your side and take your bottom leg and bring it forward, bending it at a 90-degree angle. Turn the bottom of your leg and try to rotate your foot to the sky as far as possible while keeping your knee pressured into the ground. Work to get the leg higher and higher with every rep.
Standing Pelvic Rotations
Sets: Three
Reps: 10-20
Set up in your golf stance and cross your hands over your chest. Keep your chest in a stationary position and rotate your hips as far as you can independent of your upper body. Try to rotate them and avoid moving them laterally. Do the exercise in front of a mirror for the best results.
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