Here’s a 4-step swing feeling to help you hit consistent draws
Many amateurs wrongly assume that in order to hit a consistent draw, it’s critical to set up with a closed clubface at address. That can help, but what usually happens when you address the ball this way—with the hopes of returning the clubface in a closed position at impact to produce the draw—is that your swing path tends to move too far to the left. The result is the worst of all worlds: an outside-in swipe and an ugly pull or pull-hook.
As the saying goes, golf is a game of opposites. If you want to hit a draw, don’t set up with, shut or snap the clubface closed. Feel the opposite instead: Aim the clubface to the right of your target and focus on swinging even more toward the right through impact.
Here’s the step-by-step process:


Eventually, you’ll position the club on a pure, inside-out delivery plane, with your elbows leading your hands and your clubhead trailing even farther behind. As crazy as it may seem, this is how you hit a draw.
Counterintuitive? Sure. But trust it. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll be the envy of every slicer you know.