
Brandel Chamblee praises Matt Wolff’s ‘game changing’ win and ‘pure genius’ swing

July 8, 2019

Golf Channel’s Brandel Chamblee is one of the most thought-provoking pundits in the game, and one of the guys who takes his time to study the history of the golf swing and formulate his own opinions about them, whether you agree with them or not. Recently, he’s been learning-up from George Gankas, a GOLF Top 100 Teacher and the coach of newly-minted PGA Tour winner Matt Wolff.

Here’s video of his lesson from a few weeks ago:


Ever since, the Golf Channel analyst has reserved high praise for Gankas. On Twitter last month, he said that Gankas was one of the few teachers who had “deciphered [Hogan’s] genius.”

And various other of Gankas’ swing principles have permeated Chamblee’s thinking, like setting up with a rounded back and upright posture, and rotating the shoulder internally on the backswing (you can read more about Gankas’ swing thoughts here)…

Needless to say, with Chamblee being such a big fan of the work Gankas and Wolff are doing together, he was over the moon at the former Oklahoma State standout’s victory in Minnesota Sunday. He called it game-changing and said Wolff’s swing was “pure genius.”