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Snell Golf unveils new MTB Red and MTB Black golf balls

January 15, 2018

If you’re a Snell Golf fan there’s good news on the horizon – the popular and highly regarded Snell MTB golf ball model is being replaced by two new models, the MTB Black and MTB Red ($31.99 per dozen, $163.99 for six dozen).

The MTB Black is an improved version of the original MTB and features a three-piece design with Urethane cover, 360-dimple pattern, and core that’s seven-percent softer than the past model (for softer feel and less driver spin). The all-new MTB Red features a four-piece design, urethane cover, and 338-dimple pattern. The Red feels a bit firmer on drives and long-iron shots but provides a soft feel on short shots. The Red will also spin a bit more on short shots than the Black and will be available in both white and optic yellow.

As was the case with the original MTB, the new models can be purchased online only at SnellGolf.com. The MTB Black and MTB Red are available for pre-order on January 15th (shipments begin in February).