
10 quarantine books I’m reading to improve on and off the golf course

April 1, 2020

This is an unprecedented time in the world and we have an unexpectedly large amount of time on our hands. I incorporate reading into my daily morning routine because reading and constant learning are important to me. While you are stuck at home, why not strike up a new habit of reading? 10 pages a day would be 3,650 pages per year. The average book published is about 300 pages long. If you read 10 pages a day, you could read about 12 books per year! How much better would you be at your job, as a family member, as a friend, as a golfer if you read 12 (or more) books a year?!

Check out some of my favorite books that will help you on and off the course:

1. Mindset, Carol Dweck

Whether you want to be more successful on the course, in business, or simply in your daily life, this book is for you. One of my all-time favorites to help you understand what is holding you back and how to get better faster in all aspects of life.

2. The Miracle Morning, Hal Elrod

The absolute best book to learn about how important morning routines are. You will see what some of the most successful people in the world do each morning and how you can implement a daily morning routine in order to boost your mood and success.

3. Golf my way, Jack Nicklaus

I love this book chronicling Jack’s game over time and his thoughts on golf. Hearing his thoughts on shot shape, competitive golf and more is fascinating. His perspective is interesting and entertaining. You will not be disappointed with this one.

4. The Slight Edge, Jeff Olson

What allows some people to be successful while others fail? This book will give you incredible insight into small things that you can do on a daily basis to gain drastic traction over time. I love this book and the tips it offers all people. This can easily be related to golf, business or life in general.

5. The Practice Manual, Adam Young

Ever wondered what the most effective ways to practice are and why? This book is for the ultimate golf nerd, the range rat and the golf instructor. You will learn everything from how the ball flight laws work to learning theories. This is a fascinating read.

6. Be A Player, Pia Nilsson & Lynn Marriott

Pia and Lynn are some of the best in the business when it comes to the mental side of the game. I could recommend every book they have ever written. This is their latest book and it is a fast, easy read. You will read stories of athletes they have worked with and how they overcame mental obstacles in order to become better players. This is a practical, easy-to-apply book for your mental game on the course.

7. Talent Is Overrated, Geoff Colvin

Is talent inherent or learned? This book takes a deep dive into this argument and is fascinating for any athlete – especially competitive.

8. Extreme Ownership, Jocko Willink & Leif Babin

My obsession with Jocko Willink runs deep. His extreme consistency, daily workouts, inspirational attitude, and never-ending grit are inspiring to say the least. As former Navy SEALs, Jocko and Leif pair an operational failure from their time as SEALs with a real-life business scenario. They teach us how to deal with real-life relationship and business situations based on their experience.

9. Grit, Angela Duckworth

Ever wondered what ultimately makes someone reach success or achieve their goals? Through her research, Angela Duckworth shows us that grit is the answer.

10. Everything is Figureoutable, Marie Forleo

I love this idea that “everything IS figureoutable” as proposed by Marie’s mother. Marie does an incredible job of using her own life as the best example of this. There are so many situations in golf, and in life, where we feel that things are doomed or unable to be fixed. Marie will teach you otherwise in this lighthearted, fun read.

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