Ask an Equipment Expert: Should I switch to graphite iron shafts to gain distance?

Each month, we tap experts from the equipment industry to answer your most commonly asked questions. In this installment, Kim Braly, Chief Designer at KBS Shafts, explains whether graphite iron shafts will help you gain distance.
Q. “I’ve lost some swing speed over the years and I’m not carrying my irons as long as I want. Do I need lighter shafts, or maybe graphite?” -Ricardo D., Wayne, N.J.
If your speed with the driver has sagged below the 90 mph mark, there are still some steel options available, but make no mistake: You’re a good candidate for graphite iron shafts.
The key is to pick a shaft that has the right flex profile, weight and torque to increase your launch and spin rates, not only to get the ball in the air, but to keep it there long enough to reach your targets. But careful here: Just because a shaft is lighter or made from a composite material doesn’t necessarily mean it will give you the best performance for your swing, so I highly recommend getting fitted.
What you want to focus on are models designed specifically for your needs. I spent quite a while working on our new MAX Graphite shafts to fill this specific demographic, because I knew there were a lot of players out there asking the same question.
The MAX shaft is built in lighter weights (as low as 45g) and with a flex profile that launches the ball much more easily with slower swings while also adding spin. Obviously you don’t need to play our shaft, but you should certainly try something similar.
— Kim Braly, Chief Designer, KBS Shafts
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