Don’t discount shaft length when buying — and getting fit — for golf clubs

So you’re ready to spring for new irons. Given the sheer cost of even a gently used set, it’s imperative the specs are dialed-in before throwing them in the bag. The last thing you want is a set of ill-fitted sticks that penalize a good swing.
More often than not, shaft length has a lot to do with common misses. Here are three things to consider when it comes to finding the ideal length for your swing.
1. Lie boards lie. Lie boards can tell you a lot about club delivery (whether the heel or toe is digging), but you shouldn’t put your trust in it to determine shaft length. The heavy-duty thermoplastic board does not accurately represent what will happen on the course, making it irrelevant in a length situation.
2. Static measurement. Consider using height, arm length and address position as a starting point to determine a baseline length. From there, have a test club built and check strike location on the face. If the ball is out on the toe, you likely need to add length; a heel strike would generally require a reduction in length.
3. On the same page. If you’re seeing a swing coach, let them have input in the length of your clubs. Depending on what they preach, they might want you to go longer or shorter. Ensuring the instructor and club fitter are on the same page will save you headaches down the road.
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