Every golfer should do this 1 thing in fairway bunkers, says top teacher

Shots from fairway bunkers are some of the trickiest in golf, but with this tip from Cameron McCormick, now they don't have to be.


Shots from fairway bunkers are some of the trickiest in golf, but what if there was a way to make them easier? Thanks to this simple tip from Cameron McCormick, a GOLF Top 100 Teacher, now there is. 

According to McCormick, there’s one adjustment every golfer should make from a fairway bunker lie that most players overlook: building a base. 

McCormick explains that the reason you need a solid foundation is because it prevents your foot from slipping, which he says is a common issue many amateurs run into from tough sandy lies.

“There’s a high probability as you’re in transition, because you’re hitting on this unstable surface, the back foot is going to slip out,” McCormick says. “If it slips out, you’ll likely hit it fat.”

But you don’t want to just dig your feet deeper into the sand. To properly build your foundation, McCormick suggests tipping your trail toe into the sand and digging from the front half of your foot. If you’ve done it right, it should almost feel like you’re wearing a shoe with a big heel on it. 

“[Digging your trail toe] is going to give you greater purchase as you transition into the downswing to prevent that foot from slipping out, and you’re going to start to make much better contact as a result of having this angled trail foot leveraged into the sand,” McCormick says.

By building your base with his tip-toe method, you’ll ensure that your foot stays grounded and you’re able to make a more stable swing. Try this simple set-up adjustment to improve your contact next time you find yourself in one of those pesky fairway bunkers. 

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