This 3-step range fix will stop you swinging over the top

A whipping slice has been the number one problem plaguing the amateur ranks for generations. Often, it’s the result of a golfer having a poor sequence in their golf swing. Rather than shifting their weight to their front foot, then rotating their body and club, they do the opposite. They turn too soon with their upper body and never get off their trail side.

That, more often than not, causes the club to come over the top, and swing from out-to-in. Paired with an open clubface, that puts a cut spin on the ball — and a lot of it.

It’s a problem GOLFTEC’s GOLF Top 100 Teacher Nick Clearwater sees all the time. Which is why, demonstrating alongside pro golfer Hannah Gregg in the video above, he’s offering up a quick solution.

1. Place object outside your golf ball

One of the easiest ways to fix a swing path problem is to place a literal object in the way, so you’re forced to swing around it — in the direction you ideally want to. Just make sure to use an object that isn’t too firm in case you do accidentally hit it. An empty golf ball box, for example, or an empty water bottle will work, too.

To combat an over-the-top move, place the object behind and outside your golf ball, like you see Nick and Hannah doing here.

2. Swing thought: Hands in

It helps to have a swing thought when you’re doing this drill, so Clearwater suggests feeling like your hands are moving deeper around you on the backswing.

3. Avoid the object

When it comes time to hit the ball, simply swing trying to miss the box. Start slowly at first, but gradually build up speed. Soon, you’ll be swinging from in-to-out without having to think much about it.