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As golf courses close, golfers, employees thrust petitions at local leaders

March 27, 2020

The state of the golf course is in question all over the world, but here in the United States it is becoming a controversial topic.

While some states (like Wisconsin) have shut down golf courses in response to the spreading coronavirus, others (like Arizona) have deemed courses “essential” businesses. In response, some golfers are pushing back with local petitions.

One of the first groups to act came from New Jersey, where courses were not deemed essential. Their goal of 10,000 signatures has not been met at this time, coming up about 2,000 signatures short. But elsewhere, petitions have been taken more seriously.

Wisconsin governor Tony Evers demanded courses be closed for one month beginning March 25. In response, a Kenosha, Wis. man is attempting to get 35,000 people to digitally sign ‘Let Wisconsin Golf,’ which pledges how state golfers will follow specific rules that align with social distancing and public health. It will reach its goal sometime Friday afternoon.

Across the Mississippi River, Minnesota governor Tim Walz’ decision to close courses has similarly incited a crowd response. John Potter, Director of Instruction at Prestwick Golf Club, created a petition for his home state that will soon meet its goal of 15,000 signatures.

“Golf is a much needed mental, emotional, and physical release during this stressful time,” Potter wrote. “Let’s get this passed!”

Many states are being forced to grapple with COVID-19, and during a spring where many courses were beginning to open their doors to customers, the call downs from local government are a formidable inconvenience.

Rest assured, American golfers. You are not alone. The home of golf, Scotland, recently advised all golfers to refrain from playing until further notice. How did local residents respond? They too started a petition.

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