Top 100 Teachers share the secrets for flushing your fairway woods

golfer hits fairway wood

What's the one thing you should focus on to flush your fairway woods?

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Hitting a fairway wood off the deck can be a tough proposition for recreational golfers — but it doesn’t have to be. Here are three pieces of advice from GOLF Top 100 Teachers that will have you flushing your fairway woods in no time.

Tim Cooke

There’s nothing better than getting home from long range, right? The key here is attack angle. Picture a nail puncturing the equator of the ball, level to the ground. Then hammer the nail straight through at impact. Do that, and you’ll be pin-seeking from further than ever before.

Brady Riggs

It’s important to remember that a fairway metal isn’t a driver! For starters, stand a little closer to the ball. And, if Tim’s tip above doesn’t work, feel free to swing a bit more down and take a small divot.

Trillium Rose

The secret to clean contact in this situation is to keep the club on plane. If you’re too steep or too shallow, kiss your chances of success goodbye. It’s easy: Grip down on the club, make an easy swing and stay in your posture. 

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