Some ball markings are very clever. These four can actually improve your putting.
Draw a line along the equator — the thicker the better. On the greens, point the line on the ball down the line to your target, then square your putter to it. Bam! Perfect aim.
A smiley face or your kid’s initials can help calm your nerves. Motivational cues are great too — as long as it’s not WWIBFD (“What Would Ian Baker-Finch Do?”).
If the straight line fails to improve your alignment, add a horizontal mark. When taking your address, set the putterface square to the horizontal. This is foolproof!
Pros focus tighter on the ball than amateurs, studies show. It takes hours of training. Or, you can draw a black dot on the ball and keep your eyes on it until it disappears from sight.

Draw a line along the equator — the thicker the better. On the greens, point the line on the ball down the line to your target, then square your putter to it. Bam! Perfect aim.

A smiley face or your kid’s initials can help calm your nerves. Motivational cues are great too—as long as it’s not WWIBFD (“What Would Ian Baker-Finch Do?”).

If the straight line fails to improve your alignment, add a horizontal mark. When taking your address, set the putterface square to the horizontal. This is foolproof!

Pros focus tighter on the ball than amateurs, studies show. It takes hours of training. Or, you can draw a black dot on the ball and keep your eyes on it until it disappears from sight.