
Why you should practice with sunscreen on your driver to improve your consistency

padraig harrington driver

This drill that protects your driver against mis-hits and harmful UV rays.

First off, I want to make one thing very clear: this is a practice drill, NOT something to use on the course. That’d be cheating, which means you’d get in trouble and turn around and blame it on when all we were trying to do is give you a simple tip. So once again: Use this tip when you’re practicing on a range, and only then.

Anyway, with that rant over, let’s return to Padraig Harrington, the three-time major winner who has spent the COVID-19-induced offseason not just improving his own game, but the games of golfers everywhere. He’s been pumping-out tips at a daily rate, aimed at helping the average golfer shoot lower scores.

His latest tip? To spray the face of your driver with suntan lotion, or something similar. Let it set for a second and hit balls; it’ll leave a spot where you made impact, which gives the feedback you need about where you hit the ball on the clubface. Once you know what’s happening, the easier it is to fix it.

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