Traveling golfers have long been confounded by the inconvenience of travel bag storage. Sure, these XL body bags are convenient for protecting your investment when on a trip. But storing that monstrosity at home is a real problem. Luckily, the brilliant minds at Sun Mountain have a solution: the Kube, a full-size golf travel bag that folds into an ordinary looking (and blessedly compact) suitcase when your clubs aren’t in it.
When folded, the case measures only 9 x 13 x 14.5 inches and weighs a mere 6.8 pounds. The unfolded bag features internal dimensions of 52 x 14 x 14 inches — enough room for about every standard-size cart and carry bag. And if you’re worried that the minimalist design will limit the protection of your clubs while they’re in transit, spare yourself some needless fretting. They’ll be encased in durable, ballistic-style fabric and protected by plastic half-shells and dense foam padding through the top of the bag. The Kube ($230) is available in eight colors.