
Deflategate and a thumb: How fans reacted to the Tiger-Phil match

Phil Mickelson Tiger Woods

A little after 6 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Brad Holdgreve presumably went to, clicked on the “GIF” icon, typed in “excitement” or one of its synonyms, clicked the Jonah Hill one, described his excitement and hit “Tweet.”

“I CAN NOT WAIT FOR THIS!!!” @findlaybuckeye tweeted.

Holdgreve wasn’t alone.

Confirmation of the Tiger Woods-Peyton Manning vs. Phil Mickekson-Tom Brady match in May saw a majority of happy GIFs, emojis and comments on social media, as the event will mark the first live sporting event in about two months due to the coronavirus.

Social media also brought the jokes – because social media.

A sampling:

References to excitement 

References to the return of sports

References to Brady and Deflategate

References to Mickelson’s thumbs-up

References to Brady’s new teammate in Tampa Bay

References to Mickelson’s style

References to the prediction of the match

And plenty of humor

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