
Bored fans at rainy Players amuse themselves in hilarious fashion

fans sliding players

Fans made the most of the soggy conditions at TPC Sawgrass.

Instagram: @arut1218

At the Players Championship, fans’ visions of a sunny day out watching the world’s best compete on one of the game’s toughest tracks went out the window on Thursday and Friday, as heavy rains delayed and ultimately suspended the day’s play.

A significant portion of the field still has yet to complete the first round as of Saturday morning — and some players have as many as seven holes remaining before heading back out for Round 2. With rain continuing to fall, the tournament isn’t expected to begin again until noon ET at the earliest.

So what’s a fan to do?

If you happened to be among the adventuresome crew hanging around the empty 17th hole, you made lemonade out of lemons by utilizing your poncho as a personal Slip ‘N Slide. Check out this video of the fans’ hilarious antics below:

Judging by the voice in the video, it sounds as though there was a unofficial competition of sorts, which the first slider appears to have won, setting the bar by making it all the way across the cart path, and enjoying a rousing ovation from the bystanders.

As the second slider comes into frame, one fan encourages him with shouts of “Beat it! Beat it!” Then: “That one’s got speed! Nice, stuck the landing!”

Certainly not the way the fans expected to be entertained at the 17th, but hey, after enduring those soggy conditions, they’ll take what they can get.

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