
Struggling with crisp contact and drop-kicking? Try these 2 quick fixes

Woman teeing up ball

Drop-kicks are among golf's most frustrating maladies. But luckily, there's a solution. Try these quick fixes to get your game back on track.

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If you’ve ever struggled with drop-kicking — the act of hitting the ground before the ball, and then bouncing the clubface into the ball instead of striking it cleanly — you know that it’s among golf’s most frustrating maladies. But how can you fix it?

I asked instructor Stefanie Shaw, a teaching professional at Ocean Reef Golf Club in Key Largo, Fla., for her advice.

“Many players, and especially women, tend to not swing fast enough,” she said. “And if your swing is slowing down as you get close to the ball, you have a better chance of hitting the ground first.”

Luckily, there’s a solution. Ready to rid yourself of those drop-kicks? Try these two quick fixes.

Put the ball farther back in your stance

Positioning the ball farther back in your stance will reduce your chances of hitting the ground before the ball, Shaw said.

Tee the ball up higher

Teeing the ball up higher can help you force yourself to swing a bit more up on the ball, avoiding the dreaded drop-kick.

Give these simple tips a try, and bid those drop-kicks farewell for good.

Western Birch golf tees

Available in an assortment of colors, each bag contains 50 bamboo tees that feature a thick, durable shank and three-and-one-quarter inches of length.
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