Short Game

Help! How do I fix the chipping yips?

Have a question about your golf game? The Short Game Chef is here to help.

“Hey, Chef! I’ve officially got the chipping yips and have no confidence holding a wedge. Help me!” — Phil G., Columbus, Ohio

It happens to the best of us, Phil. Don’t despair — the yips are curable. The best advice is ditch whatever you’re doing now and revisit your chip basics, starting with the setup. Find a video online of a Tour player’s stock pitch shot. Pause the reel at setup and take a screenshot. Grab a wedge and have a buddy take a pic of you in the same position. (Both from face on, by the way.)

Spot the differences and make whatever posture and club position changes you need to make your pic look like the pro’s. Once you’re adjusted, try 10-yard pitches using your 7-iron — carry the ball just three yards and let it roll out.

Once you nail these, go back to your wedges. Your new foundation is bound to pay dividends.

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