
Follow these 2 straightforward steps to find out your natural swing path

matthew wolff swings

Everyone has their own unique swing.

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GOLF Hall of Fame Teacher Mike Adams has been a pioneering voice in instruction for four decades. One of his most helpful lessons is rooted in an oft-asked question: How does arm length affect swing plane?

Based on years of research, Adams found that golfers whose forearms are shorter than their upper arms need to swing more around their body, getting the club shaft to a “flatter” position at the top of the backswing. Players with longer forearms should elevate the club in a more upright position. What’s your natural swing? Take the following test.


Hinge your right arm at the elbow, with your thumb in a hitchhiker’s position.


Look at your thumb relative to the top of your right shoulder. If it’s even or below your delt (1), you’re a candidate for a flatter backswing. If it’s hovering above (2), start experimenting with a steeper swing.

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