Replacing a set of worn grips isn’t cheap. Most clubfitters charge around $2 to $3 to regrip each club, which is a nice payday for a project that takes roughly two to three minutes — assuming you have the right tools. Pay attention to three things if you decide to do it yourself.
1. Use a hook blade
A snap-off utility knife will get the job done, but if you don’t want to scratch the graphite shaft, try a hook blade. It’ll make things infinitely easier during the removal process, not to mention safer.
2. Pick your spots
Depending on your preference, you may want extra layers of tape under your grips, either on the whole grip or upper and lower areas. The process is mostly done for comfort, but some prefer to have the grip built up a certain way for shot shape purposes.
3. The right choice
When choosing a solution to get the fresh grip on the shaft, go with grip solvent — not lighter fluid or mineral spirits. It’s nontoxic and evaporates quickly once applied to the grip tape.